Sometimes you buy a piece of clothing with grand hopes that it will be become your next closet star...that piece that you'll reach for time and time again because it's the perfect combination of style and comfort (and it just so happens to be ON SALE!) For me, these purchases usually occur later in the evening after a few glasses of wine and a few hours spent browsing online. And while this post is certainly not meant to be a PSA on drinking and shopping (after all, some tipsy purchases totally pay off - hello Gotham Non-Stick Pan!) but occasionally, shopping under the influence doesn't result in the most pragmatic purchases. Case in point: a ruffled floor-length batik sundress from Sundance that, while beautiful on the 6'8" and 90-pound catalog model, proved to be less than flattering on me.
The voluminous amount of fabric, combined with a busy and colorful print, made me look like a life-size henna tattoo with a third-degree sunburn. And that's not an easy look to pull off. So, after a glass of sauvignon blanc for courage, I pulled out the sewing shears and took action, lopping off the bottom two tiers of ruffles on the and replacing them with a simple bit of crochet lace. The result was a shorter sundress (with much less of the overwhelming pattern!) and it's perfect for showing off my beloved cowboy boots.
Sundance Catalog dress
Old Navy jean jacket
bed|stü clutch
Rios de Mercedes boots
Keep It Coiled Ring
Aztec Cut Out Bracelet
Smith Serpico sunnies
And just to show how much fabric was on the original dress (it seriously could have housed a small family), I used the removed ruffles to create unique shirts for my girly and me. I just stitched the already gathered fabric under the bust of two tee shirts and viola! A restyled dress + two new shirts - all for the price of one very long sundress!
And so, the moral of today's post is that sometimes too many ruffles can be a good thing (and a little sauvignon blanc never hurts, either!) Happy Wednesday!